A Beautiful Business
The cost of one fast food meal for a family of 2-4 people....that's what I spent to begin my Avon business. Where else can you be in business for yourself with such a low investment? Who CAN'T make back $15 in profit back for the cost of your starter kit? Avon products have been around a long time; many people are familiar with Avon and I hear people say, "My mom (or grandmother) used Avon." The company has a history; its products are trusted. Don't consider yourself a seller? You don't have to "push" the products on people--Avon literally sells itself! I am an introvert by nature and all I do is leave catalogs at my work, canvas my neighborhood with catalogs, and the orders have begun to roll in. Since I began in january, working this as a less-than-part-time job, I have a customer list of 60 people and regular orders of $300-400 each two week campaign. I post a few times a week about my business or our specials on social media and that is about all. Given more attention to the new representative training courses and taking the time to learn to hostess Facebook shows and host fundraisers, I can see my business growing to a part-time income in as little as a year. I am excited to be part of this company of products I have loved since my teen years. I hope you'll consider taking the journey with me! Blessings from Lynn at Beautiful You Boutique
To sell or find out more, visit me at www.youravon.com/beautifulyouboutique. Click on the "opportunity" tab and enter code beautifulyouboutique when prompted.
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